Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gracias a la vida (Thanks to Life)

Paintings, drawings, textile and mixed media inspired by Violeta Parra's iconic song
Participating artists: Cristina Acosta, Reetika Agarwal, Mabel Astarloa Haley, Heidi Marie Balmaceda, Serena Barton, Marisa Bevington, Alli Bratt, Sidonie Caron, Sofia Chimaras, Gretchen Echols, Anne John, Meg Kaczyk, Rogene Mañas, Angelina Marino, Deborah Spanton, Elaine Spence, Maite Tobon, Nancy Watterson Scharf

For the first show after the Vernal Equinox, we have invited a group of women artists to respond to the lyrics of Chilean singer/songwriter Violeta Parra's "Gracias a la vida" (see text below). The song has inspired vocal artists such as Joan Baez and Placido Domingo for nearly 50 years, and most particularly Mercedes Sosa, beloved Argentinian singer who died last October. The interpretations by the visual artists are equally personal and moving. Sidonie Caron, for example is " . . . a European and a Holocaust Surivor so this poem resonates rather profoundly for me." The recent Chilean earthquake has made these expressions even more timely and poignant.

Gracias a La Vida (Thanks to Life)

Poem by Violeta Parra

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me two bright eyes, that when opened,
Can perfectly distinguish black from white
And in the sky above, her starry backdrop,
From the multitude, the man I love.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me an ear that, in all of its breadth
Records— night and day—crickets and canaries,
Hammers and turbines and bricks and storms,
And the tender voice of my beloved.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me sound and the alphabet.
With them the words that I think and declare:
“Mother,” “Friend,” “Brother” and the light which illuminates
The path of the soul I love.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me the ability to walk with my tired feet.
With them I have traversed cities and puddles
Valleys and deserts, mountains and plains.
And your house, your street and your patio.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me a heart, that causes my frame to shudder,
When I see the fruit of the human brain,
When I look into the depths of your blue eyes…

Thanks to life, which has given me so much.
It gave me laughter and it gave me tears.
With them I distinguish happiness and pain—
The two materials from which my songs are formed,
And your song, as well, which is the same song.
And everyone’s song, which is my own song.

March 25-April 27, 2010
Opening and artists' reception: March 25, 6-9 PM
Gallery hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 11-6, Sunday 12-4

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