Paintings and pastels by Angelina Marino
Metal sculpture by Angelina Marino and Joel Heidel
January 2-26, 2010
Start the year with a blast of light. Angelina Marino’s paintings and oil pastels that celebrate dance, mysticism, flamenco and love and will be shown with her sculptural work in collaboration with Joel Heidel.

Some of the sculptures were created from Marino’s drawings and translated into three dimensions by Heidel who welded two-dimensional shapes into three dimensional images. Other sculptures were “found” in left over pieces and took life in the collaborative process.
Because of the angles that are made possible by using thin gauged metal, elements of the sculptures appear suspended. Working under the stars on Sauvie’s Island, the artists were struck by the serendipitous effect the light had on their work. The physicality of the sculpture, though striking and solidly engaging, had an evocative counterpart - the incredible lucidity of a cast shadow.
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