Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bubblelism - paintings by Marcio Diaz

The first Portland show of art work by Marcio Díaz, Nicaraguan contemporary artist living in Seattle, features paintings which you have to see to believe.

The technique he uses is his unique version of pointilism which he calls bubblelism. Each small pool of color is formed by concentric circles in carefully selected tones which eventually help form the larger image of the painting. That this technique is used in large scale pieces makes the achievement even more impressive.

For background on Marcio Díaz, here is his Artist Statement:

"I was born in a small farming community in northern Nicaragua. I received a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and studied painting at the National Institute of Fine Arts in Managua, Nicaragua. I now devote my time entirely to painting. My art represents the country life; the people, nature, and culture of my country as well as the places I have lived and visited.

My experiences as a child growing up in a rural environment gave me an awareness of its natural beauty and lifestyles that I continue to cultivate today through my art. I am passionate about using bold, vibrant, rich colors in my paintings. . . . I am constantly studying art from around the world and I like to experiment with new techniques and textures.

My dream is to one day build an art school for underprivileged youth in my country as well as to promote culture and strengthen and nurture friendship and collaboration thought art everywhere I go."

January 28-February 23, 2010
Opening and artist's reception: January 28, 6-9 PM